This is an innovative and quite unusual arranger of song-based rhythm backing tracks. It leverages song-from as a descriptive language to define the track and a massive library of super high-quality recordings of top session drummers. Once a track has been defined and created, it is a 5-second prospect to create another one with exactly the same arrangement but having a different rhythm. The whole process of arranging is quite novel within its sector. On top of this algebraic method of describing the arrangement, the audio library of recordings is so vast that a client-server app was developed.
It certainly is one of the most unusual music apps, with a niche of users wanting great quality backing tracks with no usual laborious arranging. It’s an unexpected oddity that might be an acquired taste, but those who have acquired the taste love it. ePatterns developed the iOS UIKit swift apps and the Song Rhythm Tracks servers using Elixir and Phoenix / Debian on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This service incorporates a language compiler to process the algebraic arrangement descriptions into a sequence of commands to construct the audio track.